Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello, I've been Gone.

And so I've been AWOL for a couple weeks. Life has been hectic, crazy, and so much fun. In June, I wrote exams (till my eyes wanted to fall out of my head and I felt like I was peeing pure energy-drinks and coffee) for three weeks flat out, every day. It was crazy, but...memorable. I've not yet gotten my results back, but hey, there's that for being a paralegal. I made it through the course! If nothing else, I'm proud of that fact.

July is here, and it has been incredible so far. I'm volunteering at church hey, generally just on Sundays, but we do rehearsals and things and get togethers (coz my team is like family) in the week and stuff. I'm on production--which is a big deal for me, given how lame I am at a lot of things. But I'm learning (fast) and having a tonne of fun getting to know different OSes, which cable goes where, how to do the graphics and words, and a bit about camera work too. It's madness, and I love it. Yes, I'm a nerd that way. Wouldn't have it any other way, than to be on the AV team. :B

July also held the Encounter Conference. It was phenomenal and inspired, and inspiring.

July held a lot of things, now that I think. And it's only halfway done.

You never know hey? The's yet to come...


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